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    Water Purification Chemicals and Disinfection

    Klorman Compact Chlorine Dispenser

    The KLORMAN Compact Chlorine Dispenser is your solution to portable, simple, and safe chlorination. It dispenses a calcium hypochlorite solution with the use of the patented HYPOCHLOR cartridge. This unique system can eliminate problems associated with the use of chlorine gas and liquid bleach. The KLORMAN Compact is an innovative system for continuous, controlled practical dosing of solid chlorine into water systems. Chlorine treatment of water is proven in its ability to kill disease causing organisms, as well as, remove odors, slime, algae growth and other contaminants. Easily installed, the KLORMAN Compact connects to any standard hose for portable use. It provides an economical, safe and reliable means of water chlorination, making chlorine sanitation available to everyone.

    Ideal for the disinfection of:

    • Showers & locker rooms.
    • Commercial kitchens.
    • Animal kennels.
    • Delivery trucks.
    • Food  contact surfaces.
    • Outdoor maintenance.
    • Food crates.
    • Environmental hygiene.
    • Pool decks.
    • Greenhouses.
    • Marinas & fishing boats.
    • Seafood markets.
    • And many more…
    Compact Inline Klorman Dispensing Unit
    Compact Klorman Dispensing Unit

    Klorman Inline Chlorinator

    KLORMAN is an advanced system for continuous, controlled practical dosing of solid chlorine into water systems. Chlorine treatment of water is proven in its ability to kill disease-causing organisms; remove odors, slime, algae growth and other contaminants. Fully adjustable, the KLORMAN In-Line can supply from less than 5 ppm to over 200 ppm. Easily installed, the KLORMAN dispenser can be mounted in-line in existing pipework.

    Extremely durable, the KLORMAN In-Line dispenser is durable and easy to operate with no moving parts to wear out, saving on maintenance, operating costs and chlorine usage. The KLORMAN In-Line provides an economical, safe and reliable means of water chlorination, making chlorine sanitation available to everyone.

    Inline Chlorine Dispensing Unit
    Inline Chlorine Dispense Unit with Chlorine Cartridge
    Chlorine Dispenser on bypass line


    Klorman 2000 Chlorine Dosing Unit

    The ultimate in simple and affordable disinfection and sanitation. Klorman is a durable, compact, east to use chlorine dispenser that is specifically designed to deliver Hypochlor (Calcium Hypochlorite).


    • Easy to install and maintain.
    • Easy to adjust and control chlorine levels.
    • Uses Calcium Hypochlorite chips.
    • Maximum flow rate: 5000L/hr
    • Avg chlorine delivery range per dosing unit: 50-350ppm.
    • Chlorine tabs must be purchased separately and are not included.

    KLORMAN 2000 is ideal for use in:

    • Commercial pools
    • Potable water
    • Sewage & effluent
    • Food processing
    • Fresh produce
    Klorman 2000 Chlorine Dosing Unit


    Klorman 2000 installed on tank


    Klorman Replacement Cartridge for Inline Chlorinator

    Klorman replacement cartridge for the Klorman inline dosing unit. Comes in a box of 4 cartridges

    Klorman inline replacement cartridge


    Klorman Inline replacement cartridge


    Klorman 20kg Chlorine Dosing Chips

    Klorman 25KG Calcium Hypochlorite Dosing Chips for the Klorman 2000 Chlorine Dosing System

    Klorman Sani-Tab 25kg Calcium Hylochlorite Chips

    25 litre Sodium Hypochlorite Poly Can

    Sodium hypochlorite is a clear pale greenish yellow solution produced by a carefully controlled reaction of chlorine with caustic soda lye (Cℓ2 + 2NaOH → NaOCℓ + NaCℓ + N2O).

    The value of hypochlorite solutions as bleaches, deodorants, disinfectants and chemical reagents has long been recognised for its wide application both in industry and in the home. A solution of sodium hypochlorite is a safe and convenient way to chlorinate water for drinking purposes, in swimming pools and to control biological growth in cooling water systems. The bactericidal and deodorising properties are due to its capacity to destroy disease organisms and oxidise objectionable organic matter even at low concentrations. Sodium hypochlorite is a valuable reagent in chemical processing and is used both in the preparation of other chemicals and to destroy toxic wastes.

    UV Sterilizers

    • Ultraviolet Water Treatment & Ultraviolet (UV) Water Purification Systems.
    • Ultraviolet radiation from UV water treatment systems is used as a pre-treatment or polishing step to sterilize and disinfect water. UV water systems are typically used to pre-treat a water supply that is considered biologically unsafe (lake or sea water, well water, etc). The ultraviolet water treatment system process is a non-chemical method for destroying microorganisms by altering their genetic material, and rendering them unable to reproduce.
    55 Watt Complete UV Sterilizer

    3 Stage Big Blue UV Filter System


    3 Stage Big Blue Filter System with 55 Watt UV Sterilizer

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