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    Supplementary Water Sources

    We are able to install and manage a complete turnkey project for supplementary water sources. Supplementary water sources include groundwater abstraction, rainwater harvesting and greywater reuse.

    Depending on requirements of the supplementary source we are able to treat it to make it safe for consumption, reuse or suitable for irrigation.


    Groundwater is abstracted via one of various ‘structures’ delivering it from under the ground surface to above the surface, including, for example, a borehole, well point, shallow well or even a fountain or spring.

    Grey Water Use

    Grey water is a term often used to describe sullage. Sullage is defined in the Oxford dictionary as, ‘waste from sinks, showers and baths, but not toilets’. Grey water excludes wastewater from kitchen sinks.

    Grey water represents a notable water source that would otherwise be wasted. Grey water reuse has the potential to alleviate the demand on potable water resources as well as reduce the inflow to wastewater treatment works. Furthermore, grey water is also a potential source of nutrients for plant growth, particularly for users who cannot afford fertiliser, and the soapy nature of grey water means that under some conditions it may act as a pest-repellent.

    Rain Water

    The term rainwater harvesting implies the intentional diversion of rainwater from roofs to a storage tank. A rainwater harvesting system consists of a number of integrated system components, including a catchment area, a storage vessel and a distribution system. External factors, such as climatic conditions, rainfall patterns and the end uses of rainwater, could drastically influence the viability of a rainwater harvesting systems.

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